Quality Lighting to Keep a Workplace Safe

Quality lighting solutions are a necessity when it comes to keeping a commercial office space, retail center, warehouse, or mercantile occupancy safe for their employees and a building’s means of egress well-lit. Severe weather, fires, and threats by an intruder can all contribute to the need for quality lighting to be present and maintained at a workplace. Relumination can provide services and quality products that will keep a business during an unforeseen catastrophe.

Escape Routes

The proper interior lighting can provide illumination to an escape route for employees or customers during a crisis. Relumination is able to provide energy-efficient lights that are in good working order. It is important for companies and building owners to be ready for any type of evacuation situation, such as a fire or tornado. Clearly marked and well-lit escape routes are important to all of the occupants of a structure.

According to the Health and Safety Authority, “All workplaces must have clearly identified means of escape in the event of fire.”

Employee Safety

Employees working in a building want to fill safe at their job. Good lighting and emergency exit signs go a long way in offering assistance to workers during unplanned events that require immediate evacuation and the need to find an exit door quickly. Keeping a means of egress marked and illuminated may also contribute to less slips, trips, or falls in the workplace. This is good for the general well-being of all employees, and also for keeping worker’s compensation losses to a minimum.

New Lighting Technology for Energy-Efficiency

To achieve better illumination, industrial, manufacturing, and commercial sites are retrofitting old metal halide and high-pressure sodium lighting systems with next generation LED lighting. In the process, those sites are realizing substantial energy-efficiency benefits from those LED lighting systems.

An LED lighting system can generate the same or better luminosity as a traditional lighting systems while consuming less than half the electrical energy as a traditional system might require. The costs of retrofitting a traditional industrial or commercial lighting system with an LED system will be recouped in twelve to eighteen months after installation solely from reduced energy utilization. Next generation LED systems can operate for up to 50,000 hours continuously, and in some cases for more than 100,000 hours. This reduces maintenance and replacement costs as well.

Newer LED systems have also responded to the criticisms of degrading luminosity that had affected the first generation of LED’s. LED manufacturers have developed heat sink technology and other systems that reduce the thermal load on LED luminaires. Reduced thermal loads extend the life and performance of LED’s and keep fixtures operating at peak performance for several years.

Industrial and commercial sites that retrofit with LED systems will also experience secondary energy efficiency benefits from improved employee safety and performance. LED lighting is closer to natural lighting than traditional illumination systems. Employees are better able to distinguish fine detail and contrasting features in objects under LED light. These improvements lead to reduced employee fatigue and better overall operational efficiency.


LED Lighting And Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time is in full effect. Some people enjoy this time of the year because the extra hour of sleep. However, others are never thrilled about seeing nightfall come quickly. This change will have an impact on your ability to have the outdoor lighting you need.

Your lighting, or lack thereof, can help or hurt your business. Many people do not like shopping at stores or walking through parking lots when it is dark. The right mixture of lights can highlight your business, hospital, parking lot, etc. You do not have to flood your parking lot or the outside walkway with lights that are too bright and a little annoying.

You can use lights that you can place along your walkway. This will give your customers and employees enough light, and it will also help them see where they are going during the dark evenings and nights. There are several LED lighting options for you to choose from, including solar lights. When you use solar lighting, you do not have to worry about plugging and unplugging lights or buying replacement batteries.

It does not matter what type of lights you will choose to put outside, you will want to make sure the lights fit the style of your business. You will also want to make sure the lights are subtle. No one will be hesitant from navigating from your walkway or parking lot during the dark.

Save Energy and Money with a Commercial Lighting Retrofit

Does your business worry about increasing energy prices?  Are you searching for ways to cut business costs? Or are you worried about your carbon footprint? In any of the above cases, updating your business with a commercial lighting retrofit can save you money!

Retrofitting your business lighting – including industrial warehouses, office spaces, and more – can be a challenging task, but with the right suppliers and years of experience, the challenge will be well worth the reward.  Utilizing energy-efficient lighting will help you and your employees in many ways.  First, LED bulbs can cut lighting costs by up to 90% because the bulbs are more efficient than other choices.  This also makes the lights cooler to the touch, cutting out any excess cooling costs that you needed previously.

Other health benefits will come to you and your employees with energy-efficient and cost-cutting LED lighting by Relumination.  The benefits of better and brighter lighting help with the functionality of the space, and LED lights do not wear out over time.  As well, the light produced by LED bulbs does not cause headaches or other symptoms that fluorescent and incandescent lighting do.

On top of these major benefits to your business, LED lights last longer, – meaning you have to buy fewer saving more money – are fully recyclable, and have no warm-up time.  A broad array of designs and lighting styles are available, including dimming lights and colored lights, to suit any business’s needs.

Overall, a commercial lighting retrofit will benefit your company monetarily, environmentally, and socially.

Parking Lot Lighting: Don’t Leave Customers In The Dark

If you operate or own a business, it’s important to protect the area, the building, and all of the employees. Installing parking lot lighting can protect your business from a safety and security standpoint. If you are running a business that does not have enough lighting, it may lead to receiving some unwanted attention from people who want to break in and steal your valuables.

Protect What Belongs To You

If your business property becomes one of those buildings that attracts the wrong kind, you may lose valuable computer equipment and other equipment your company uses to keep the daily operations running. Even if you have a security in place, there is no certainty that your building will not be broken into. It is recommended to have security systems installed, but it is also highly recommended to add adequate and quality parking lot lighting to lower the risk of unwanted criminal activities.

Protect Customers/Employees

Lighting in a parking lot will help ensure the safety of customers, pedestrians, and on goers. If people are walking in a dark parking lot, there may be some fear that someone can be hiding somewhere. With a well-lit parking lot, people will feel safer when they walk to or from their cars. You also want your employees to feel safe when they are walking to their cars after work. It can also be easier for people to have car accidents when they can’t see where they are going. Installing parking lot lighting can help prevent unnecessary accidents.

Can you imagine walking out of your building when it is dark, during those late nights? The lighting is weak, inadequate, and not all of the lights are working. What if you have forgotten where you parked? Would you feel safe walking through the parking lot, or would you wish someone would have walked with you?

You never know what kind of things can happen in a dim parking lot; that is why it is so important to have parking lot lighting. It can give people a sense of security. Everyone wants to feel safe, no matter where they are. Think of the people who make your business successful. You don’t want them to feel left out in the dark when they leave your building.

Invest in Energy Reduction with LED Lights

ID-10068440Utility rates just keep getting higher and higher. What’s worse yet is that in generating all this electricity needed to run a business, it creates a very real environmental impact. It’s a problem that goes hand in hand – inefficient energy use is detrimental  for both the planet, and your bottom line. So if you’re weighing your options for the next investment you want for your business, put serious thought into investing in energy reducing lighting.

Whether you operate a distribution or manufacturing center, an office complex, or even a corner shop, switching to LED lights can massively reduce your energy use- and in more ways than one! Check out these cool benefits switching to LED lights can do for you:

More Efficient Use of Electricity
Compared to your average conventional light bulb, LED lights use as much as 50% to 90% less energy. You also don’t have to worry about warm-up time either – LED lights turn on instantly, to precisely the brightness setting you’ve selected.

Reduced Heat Generation
One of the reasons LED lights use so much less energy than conventional bulbs is that it produces light in a completely different way. Conventional bulbs generate heat, creating light as a byproduct. LED lights, on the other hand, use electricity directly to generate light, which results in a massive reduction in heat generated. This is especially with summer around the corner. Not only will you be saving money on your lighting, your climate control system won’t have to work as hard in the already brutal Arizona summer.

Improved Worker Productivity
It’s a little known fact, but the occasional flicker that fluorescent lighting gives off has a very draining effect on people. It’s one of the major causes of after lunch fatigue in workers, and can be a real productivity killer. A softer blue-white LED light not only avoids this problem, but is also proven to help lift spirits as well. Not only do LED lights reduce how much electric energy you use, it can help you and your staff save physical energy as well!

With summer and peak energy rates just around the corner, now’s the perfect time to make the switch to LED!

Why You Need LED Warehouse & Distribution Center Lighting

Maintaining a warehouse or distribution center is not an easy task, especially since these buildings are generally quite large and demand more time and effort compared to other operations.

For instance, operating a small antique shop is simple because you can start and finish with great results in an extremely short period of time, but a warehouse just has so much square footage to cover. It is important to consider the fact that the lighting is a crucial part of any building, but especially warehouses and distribution centers as they require so much lighting and have a lot to do with worker safety.

Better Light Quality, Less Accidents

When you invest in LED lighting, you can be confident that the quality level is superior to other options. Protecting your workers is an important part of running a business, especially because an injury claim can cost thousands of dollars rather quickly. Additionally, dealing with a serious injury from your employees can put a huge damper on productivity as they may be an important part of your team. While this may indirectly relate to lighting, this does not change the fact that going with LED for warehouse & distribution center lighting is definitely the best option available.

Longer Lasting, Less Replacing

It is not uncommon for a warehouse to require dozens of lights to maintain proper lighting, and this can get expensive, especially when you consider energy expenses. Fortunately, LED lighting lasts much longer than alternative choices, so not having to replace them as soon as you would with other types of lighting means savings on the purchase of lights and the time required to replace them.

Excellent Durability is Ideal for Warehouses and Distribution Centers 

While there are some businesses that do not go through much physical work, a warehouse is likely to see a lot of moving around of items with heavy machinery. It is extremely beneficial that LED lighting is very durable compared to other lighting types, and this is because being able to withstand a little bit of pressure can mean not needing to replace a light after getting hit by a hand or object lightly.

If you want to improve your warehouse or distribution center with LED lighting, contact us for more information.

Why Energy Reducing LED Lighting is Beneficial for Your Business

Running a business is an intricate process, and of course there are a lot of pieces to the puzzle. One of these pieces is the lighting that you provide for your employees and customers in your storefront or office. It is possible to make the right investment and benefit from it in numerous ways including savings and increased business. Fortunately, you can invest in energy reduction with LED lighting and reap the many benefits it can provide.

Improved Lighting Performance

While fluorescent or incandescent lights have been popular options for a long time, the utilization of LED lighting allows you to have improved lighting performance. For instance, after several years, LED lights will maintain the same brightness as when they were first installed, and this is where other lighting options have struggled with accomplishing. It is also crucial to consider that illuminated surfaces or objects will not experience any negative effects with LED lighting, unlike fluorescent or incandescent lighting.

Environmentally Friendly

When you do not have to use as many lights, you are being environmentally friendly. Fortunately, this also means an improved experience in terms of time consumption and convenience on your part, and this is because you will spend less time replacing lights and dealing with outages. It is also important to understand that LED lights are completely recyclable, which is much better for the environment.

Better for Your Health

Since LED lighting is resistant to vibration and temperature changes, the chances of them breaking is lower than other types of lighting. Although it is not likely that something will cause standard lights to break, having a reduced chance means also means a lower chance of getting injured in the case of a breakage. An additional benefits that LED lighting provides is no ultra-violet or infra-red light, which means you do not have to worry about damage to skin or eyes. With so many benefits to energy reduction through LED lighting, feel free to contact us and start making this positive change.

3 Reasons to Choose Office LED Lighting for Your Business

Investing in proper LED lighting is one of the most important decision for any business owner. This lighting solution reduces the business’s energy costs, enhances productivity and provides a cleaner and greener environment. LED lighting is far more durable, efficient, longer lasting and versatile when designed well. The cost of making the change over is reimbursed through the energy savings it offers.

Why Choose Office Led Lighting

1. Cost Savings

When comparing office LED lighting to traditional incandescent solutions, there is no comparison. When it comes to the incandescent bulbs, replacing the bulbs, the time to replace them and the labor expense is where the true cost lies. These are major factors, particularly in the office setting where there are a large number of bulbs installed. When you consider office buildings and skyscrapers, the costs for replacing the bulbs and maintenance are enormous. LED lighting virtually eliminates these issues.

The Clinton Climate Initiative, back in February 2009, replaced over 140,000 Los Angeles street lights with energy-saving LED lighting. Today, the city of Los Angeles is now saving over $5 million annually because of this investment, and it is expected to increase to a $7.5 million annual savings once there is an upgrade to the LED fixtures.

2. Power Consumption

Reduced power consumption is one major strength of LEDs. A LED circuit, when designed correctly, will reach around 80% efficiency, meaning that 80% of this energy converts to light energy. The other 20% is a loss in heat energy. With the incandescent bulbs, it is the opposite; you get 80% lost to heat energy and only 20% efficiency.

3. Non-toxic and Greener than Other Sources

Aside from the remarkable efficiency, energy savings and lifespan, office LED lighting is also a greener solution for today’s market. First, LEDs do not contain Mercury like the CFLs which is highly toxic and very harmful to our health and environment.

Second, LEDs are 100% recyclable and made with toxic free materials. They also help reduce up to a third of your carbon footprint. When it comes to environmental change and global warming, LED lighting releases significantly less CO2, nuclear waste and sulfur oxide. When compared with 30 incandescent bulbs which releases around 2500 kg’s of these emissions annually, the LEDs only release around 200 kg’s a year.

For more information on LED lighting and other energy saving solutions, please contact us.

Things to Consider before Installing Commercial Exterior Lighting

So you’ve decided it’s time to improve your commercial outdoor lighting. What should you do next? Before you have any type of  exterior lighting installed, here are a few things you should first consider.

Future changes to your landscape

Ideally, outdoor lighting plans will be made after all the elements of your landscaping are already in place. That way, you can determine which features you would like to highlight at night, and then plan your lighting arrangements accordingly. If you are considering adding new plants, be sure to let share this information with a lighting designer in order to ensure your fixtures will continue to work well in the future.

Where will lines be buried?

This is important, since burying electric wires could be disruptive to other utility lines. In order to ensure no lines are present, you should call 811 at least three days prior to digging a trench to house landscape wiring in. You’ll also need to determine whether or not lines will need to run underneath sidewalks or other concrete structures so that you can attempt to reroute them if possible.

What prior authorization is needed?

If you currently lease your space, you could be restricted on how and where exterior lighting is placed. Likewise, the addition of certain fixtures could require you to obtain a building permit as well.

You’ll also need help from an experienced outdoor lighting specialist. Here at Relumination we are very familiar with exterior lighting procedures, and can install any type of fixture safely and efficiently. To set up an appointment for a consultation, contact us.