Energy intensive industries like manufacturing often look to energy-efficient technology innovations in the manufacturing process itself. However, LED lighting technology is a simpler and cheaper way to reduce costs. In addition to its low energy consumption, LEDs have other attributes that are ideal for manufacturing lighting. These are described next.
Vibration Resistance
Manufacturing plants are often full of noisy and vibrating machinery. The vibration of some operations is so intense that it permeates walls, floors, and ceilings. Because of their superior vibration resistance, LED lights are ideal for such difficult environments.
Low Operating Temperatures
Given their low energy consumption, it is no surprise that LEDs put out very little waste heat. This makes them ideal for refrigerated storage areas and warehouses. The use of inefficient lighting is like placing multiple heaters inside a refrigerator. The lighting uses excessive power that turns into waste heat, causing the refrigeration to use more power.
Lighting Directionality And Brightening Effect
LEDs are good at emitting light in one direction, which makes them perfect for lighting up work areas where assembly, machining, and inspection operations require good lighting. This highly directional light is pure white. This better lighting also reduces worker injuries.
Longer Life
This attribute reduces maintenance costs. The enormous number of lights used in many manufacturing facilities adds up to a significant replacement cost. Replacing lights in hard to reach places, such as very high ceilings can get very expensive because they require specialized rented equipment such as bucket trucks.
Compact Design
While LEDs can illuminate the largest of areas, they can also light up very small spaces such as the inside of a machine.
LED lights can be readily dimmed. When combined with photo sensors, further energy savings are possible by taking advantage of natural light coming in through windows. Warehouses can save energy by altering brightness according to the frequency that people access each area.
LED lighting, is 50-90% more energy-efficient and longer lasting than traditional lighting. Lights are for lighting not heating. Why spend an excessive amount on lighting that wastes heat and lasts a short time?