School Lighting can Change the Way Students Learn

It appears that school lighting may affect not only the way students perform, but their health as well. We have long recognized the effect of natural sunlight on the human body to produce both physiological and psychological health. Research cited by“” indicates that artificial lighting can approximate the sun’s beneficial effects and stimulate student learning.

Two characteristics of light are noted in the study. One is the brightness, or intensity, and the other is the color temperature. Together, these aspects can alter our sleep patterns and quality, our blood pressure, heart rate variability and core temperature as well as regulating the amount of melatonin we produce. They also affect our mental alertness and the perception of how well we understand a subject we are studying. We have supposed that natural sunlight is superior to artificial lighting, but research shows that artificial lighting can have a positive effect on the speed with which we work and our accuracy.

How does all this play into choosing school lighting? First, it has been demonstrated that lighting which approximates natural sunlight can keep children healthier. That translates to less “sick days” out of the classroom. When the student is in class, proper lighting can keep her alert and help her be more attentive to teacher instruction. Lighting has also been shown to affect mood and behavior. Brighter light (over 500lux) seems to promote better moods and less aggressiveness.

Data from schools in the study also shows how a dynamic lighting system (one in which the lighting can be changed) can bring about relaxation in students after periods of enhanced learning. This could keep students from tiring too early and having dulled senses in the afternoon.

Why LED Lighting is a Better Choice for Your Grocery Store

The type of lighting you select for your grocery store is important. When food looks attractive and appetizing, shoppers want to buy them. When you have the best lighting possible, you can save energy and money, and in addition provide your customers with an enjoyable shopping experience.

More and more grocery stores are finding the benefits of using LED lighting over fluorescent lighting. If you’re a grocery store retailer, here are some reasons to use LED lighting, as well as some considerations to make.

Offers Exceptional Coloring

LED lighting improves the color of foods.

  • Meats—Although sliced meats that look discolored may only be an aesthetic concern, it can turn off shoppers from buying. When you use LED lighting, you don’t have to worry about meat discoloration.
  • Produce—Fruits and vegetables look better under LED lighting. To draw additional attention on certain types of produce, use special optics that can enhance the color spectrum of fresh foods even more.

Is Ideal for Cold Foods

Although fluorescent lighting may be an efficient way for many applications, it’s not as effective as LED lighting when it comes to freezer and refrigerator lighting. For example, cold temperatures can cause a drop in the mercury vapor pressure that’s inside fluorescent lamps. This can result in a light output reduction of as much as 25 percent.

On the other hand, LED lightening doesn’t have this effect. In fact, sometimes the light output from LED lighting actually gets better in a cold setting.

LED Lights Last Longer

LED lights can last for more than 50,000 hours or about three times longer than fluorescent lights. This means you don’t have to change bulbs as much, which saves money. This type of lighting also reduces heat emissions.

It’s Environmentally Friendly

Since there are fewer bulbs to change, there’s not as much garbage in landfills. This gives LED lighting another advantage, making it more environmentally friendly.


  • Unlike incandescent lights, there isn’t a single size of LED lamps.
  • Consider your store’s dimming needs.
  • A growing number of grocery stores are now using track fixtures for lighting up food displays such as in their produce sections.
  • Replacing fluorescent lights with LED lights in vertical and horizontal freezer cases can save your store as much as 50 percent in energy expenses.

Lighting Your Business With Clean Energy

Clean energy, also known as green energy, is energy that can be extracted, generated, and/or consumed without any significant negative impact to the environment. Moving towards energy sustainability will require changes not only in the way energy is supplied, but in the way it is used.

In 2014, market data assembled by the U.S. Department of Energy shows that the historic shift to a cleaner, more domestic and more secure energy future is not some far-away goal. In fact, LED lighting, one of the four transformational technologies mentioned, has emerged as a powerful market competitor to traditional, inefficient incandescent bulbs. The DOE report states that a standard 60 watt incandescent light bulb can be replaced by a ~9 watt LED light that is 84% more efficient while emitting the same amount of light. And although LEDs cost more up front, they also last as much as 25 times longer.

Another beneficial energy source is solar power. The cost of solar energy is declining, and each year tens of thousands more Americans begin to reap the benefits of clean energy from the sun. Energy is now being generated right on the rooftops of their places of business. A recent report released by Environment Maryland mentions the fact that solar photovoltaics (PV) produce 96 percent less global warming pollution per unit of energy than coal-fired power plants over their entire life cycle, and 91 percent less global warming pollution than natural gas-fired power plants.

In addition to the jobs directly created in the renewable energy industry, growth in renewable energy industry creates positive economic “ripple” effects. For example, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, industries in the renewable energy supply chain will benefit, and unrelated local businesses will benefit from increased household and business incomes. In addition, costs of renewable energy have fallen dramatically in recent years, and continue to fall. This means that between solar photovoltaics and LED lighting, your business can save money and achieve greater customer satisfaction at the same time.

The Benefits of Upgrading to LED Lighting in Your Business

Many businesses are choosing to upgrade to LED Lighting due to the energy savings they can benefit from in doing so. However, upon converting to LED lighting many of these businesses are surprised to discover how many additional benefits they have gained. If you are currently debating whether or not to convert to LED lighting in your business, here are just a few of the many reasons why you should consider doing so.

Maintenance Costs
Replacing the numerous, oddly located, lights in one’s business can eat up a great deal of time and money. This is an area in which businesses can benefit from upgrading to LED lights. LED lights last a great deal longer than traditional light bulbs and will likely not need to be replaced for 12 years or more. This will give you a piece of mind knowing that you will not have to worry about your lights for years to come.

Energy Subsidies
Many power authorities, private organizations, and government agencies are offering grants and subsidies to businesses that choose to upgrade to LED lighting. These benefit programs can greatly reduce the costs of upgrading to LED lighting in your business. Furthermore, the reduced cost of upgrading will shorten the amount of time it takes to earn back your investment in energy savings.

Energy Savings
While many businesses are already aware that they can save money by upgrading to LED lighting, they are often surprised by how much energy these light bulbs save. The fact is that these lights use roughly 80% less energy than incandescent or halogen light bulbs. These light bulbs are actually brighter than traditional light bulbs, but they use a significantly smaller amount of energy as well as being much cooler than other lighting options.

Illuminating the Future through LED Lighting

When Thomas Edison was able to produce the first functioning incandescent light bulb in 1879, the world became a much brighter place. Dark nights were quickly changed into glowing fields of brightness. The days of candlelight and oil lamps were quickly replaced. Cities became bustling centers of commerce at all hours of the day. That one small invention of the light bulb changed the way of life for the world. Now, 135 years later the basic light bulb is taking another giant leap forward, through the use of LED Lighting. There are two big reasons for this.

One is that technology has finally advanced to the point where more efficient energy conserving ways of producing light have been developed. LED Lighting is a very big part of this. The LED light is soon to be the most widely used way of producing light on the planet. Most experts believe this will happen in the next ten years.

Second, with energy shortages becoming more of an issue as the demand for electricity grows exponentially across developed and developing countries alike, governments are looking for ways to legislate energy conservation. The European Union, Canada, and the United States are all currently trying to ban or limit the use of incandescent lighting.  Products such as LED Lighting are being viewed as the next era of lighting due to how much energy can be saved.

The light-emitting diode, or LED for short, is equally as important for businesses do to economic concerns as much as it is for conservation concerns. Using less electricity simply costs less. In the current economic conditions businesses are always looking for ways to save money. Saving on an electric bill is a big part of that. While LED lighting can cost slightly more to put in initially, over the long haul using them can lead to large savings on electric bills. LED Lighting also offers many different lighting choices, schemes, colors, and decorative accent pieces that can really make a business stand out. The next hundred years of lighting will be through LEDs as they illuminate the future.


LED Lighting An Effective Path To A Reduced Carbon Footprint

Regardless of whether an enterprise uses fluorescent, incandescent, sodium or metal halide lighting, or some combination thereof, a switch to LED lighting offers obvious benefits. Energy usage can be reduced as much as 90 percent in some applications. The long life of light-emitting diodes is so impressive that LEDs have given rise to the term “fit-and-forget.”

A transition to LED lighting is also one of the most effective sustainability steps that any business can undertake. The ratio of dollars invested to carbon reduced is often better with LED lighting than with most other efforts to reduce a company’s carbon footprint.

Improved LED Technology

Commercial LED lighting first emerged as a new way to illuminate surfaces not far from the lights themselves. Now, the development of the technology allows deployment at mounting heights that vastly expand the potential usage of LEDs. Large warehouses, parking lots, parking garages and other broad expanses can be now be effectively illuminated with energy-saving LEDs.

Now that the functionality of LEDs has expanded, those that have facilities with long operating hours stand to benefit the most from both lower costs and a reduced carbon footprint. Interestingly, the potential for reducing one’s carbon footprint via LED lighting is still improving as production costs drop as performance improves. Still, many organizations have delayed in fully examining the potential of the latest LED technologies.

The Pace of LED Deployment

The Carbon Trust is a global organization that assists businesses, the public sector and governments to improve the pace at which they adopt sustainable energy practices that lower carbon emission. Over 150 experts operate out of far-flung offices in the United States, China, the UK, South America and South Africa.

James Dunlop, the Technology Manager at the organization, has weighed in on the question of why the adoption of LED lighting has not been even more rapid-paced. Dunlop suggests that inertia surrounds some lighting systems that are adequately functioning, even at the expense of excessive energy consumption. On occasion, some end users across the vast expanse of the business community lack the technical expertise to fully understand the potential benefits.

Once such an end user has started a partnership with a supplier that does possess the expertise, lighting solutions can be explained and subsequently deployed.

Retail Lighting: How To Implement It To Your Advantage

Shopping is оftеn referred tо аs ‘retail therapy’. Іt іs sаіd sо bесаusе іt іs believed thаt whіlе shopping, аll five of the senses are activated аnd gіvе а sense оf elevated happiness. Whаt іs thе еffесt thаt lighting has on the senses in retail shops? Ноw muсh dоеs іt aid іn ‘therapy’ bу shopping? Whаt іs thе best wау tо usе lighting tо raise thе attention аnd retention levels оf customers?

Lighting conveys emotions аnd activates people’s instincts. Іt helps customers find thеіr wау аrоund the store and decide what they are going to purchase. Тhеrе аrе mаnу different options for retail lighting such as color, distribution, intensity аnd brightness of the lights. Тhеrе аrе sоmе retail lighting suggestions that саn help improve customer convenience, enhance thеіr sense оf well-being аnd can lead to аn increase іn customers аnd will result in higher chances for a sale.

Brightness іs оut, contrast іs іn: Іf a merchant want to attract instant attention tо а product оr placement, high contrast may be better suited thаn overly bright lighting. Νоt only will іt cut dоwn оn energy consumption, but will аlsо intensify attention to the display or product being advertised.

Vertical lighting improves orientation: While diffused general lighting mау generate а sense оf comfort, іt іs vertical illumination that will mаkе іt easier tо grasp thе layout оf thе room. Іt will bе easier fоr thе customers tо find thеіr wау аrоund thе aisles hеnсе thеу will be more likely tо buy a product from the store. Аt thе sаmе time, detailed accent lighting саn improve thе perception оf thе displays аnd mаkе thеm sееm mоrе attractive.

Increase familiarity wіth color: Colors influence thе emotions of the customers and guides thеm іntо а sense оf security if it is done correctly. Cool color temperatures suсh аs white mаkе thе area lооk bigger whіlе а warm color mау denote smallness аnd familiarity in the space. Transitional white light helps customers feel better аnd leads tо thеm spending mоrе time іn thе store. Еvеn wіthіn а single lighting concept, people tend tо shоw а preference fоr dіffеrеnt light colors. Keeping thіs іn mind, dіffеrеnt color temperatures shоuld bе implemented асrоss general аnd vertical lighting.

Use lights tо highlight features аnd shop windows: The fіrst impression of а shop comes from its window. Тhеrеfоrе іt would help tо focus оn accent lighting оn thе merchandise displayed in the windows (іn addition tо daylight). А furthеr step іn thіs regard, wоuld bе tо pinpoint accent lighting sо thаt іt focuses оn contrasts on the product being displayed. Then as the sun sets and the night lighting comes on, the levels оf light coming from the shop will bе еnоugh tо attract а customer to walk in.

Choose the Right Lighting to Capitalize on Energy Reduction

In order to preserve the longevity of your business, you should consider the different ways you can reduce your business-related expenses, especially reoccurring ones. Fortunately, a simple method to accomplish this goal is with energy reduction, which can be done in several ways such as switching lights.

Although your current lighting setup may last a long time until it needs to be replaced, you may be better off by replacing the existing system and replacing it for a lighting setup of superior energy efficiency.

Consume Less Energy

Since your main focus should revolve around reducing your monthly business expenses, you can do this by switching out light bulbs or lighting systems to start using LED lights. It is hard to compete with the efficiency that light emitting diode (LED) lights can provide. By using these light bulbs or systems, energy expenses will be greatly reduced.

Longer Lasting Lighting

While a huge benefit of LED lighting is the fact that you will be spending less money on electricity, you will also find another advantage that comes with using LED lights in that they last very long. If you currently use halogen incandescent lighting, you may find that new LED lights can last up to 25 times longer. The longevity of these light bulbs will save you money since the frequency of light bulb changes from burnt out bulbs will reduce.

Variety of Wattages

It is understandable that you need different wattages for certain areas, and this is another area where LED lighting manages to succeed in providing businesses with multiple options. Regardless of how much lighting you may need, you should have no problem getting more than enough with LED lights. With a wide range of options available, the perfect LED light for your space can be found. LED lighting can be found with many variations to fit the needs of your space.

School Lighting : Illuminating Ways in Education

Most people realize that they feel gloomy after several dismal, rainy days. Did you know, however, that good lighting can affect the way we learn? The need for better lighting seems to be connected to the advance of technology. Humans used to spend more time out of doors in natural lighting. Now, however, we are becoming a culture that stays inside most of the time. Human Centric lighting, or lighting to optimize human performance, is used in workplaces and now studies have shown that optimum lighting influences learning.

It seems that higher illumination, and warmer-colored illumination, lead to higher academic performance when compared with the efforts of students under standard lighting. This is true in the college lecture hall and in the kindergarten class. It appears that school lighting may be as important as technology in determining the quality of our children’s education.

Good lighting has been shown to positively influence the social behavior of children, and may be connected to their physical health as well. Studies seem to indicate the influence of lighting on blood pressure, growth levels and even on circadian rhythms. “Tunable” lighting may also acelerate healing and prevent or slow some chronic diseases.

Speaking of Circadian Rhythms, experiments have shown that sleepiness is a deterrent to learning ability. Optimum lighting may help students remain alert during the day and so improve their “sleepiness” at bedtime.

Reduce Eye Strain by Making a Few Lighting Adjustments Around Your Desk

Eyestrain can lead to significant problems such as headaches, dizziness, and even a drop in productivity. Although the effects of computer eyestrain can be worrisome, you can reduce the effects by making a few adjustments in the lighting for your home office. By following the steps below, you’ll be able to keep your workspace well-lit so that eye strain doesn’t occur as easily and so that your desk is a comfortable place to work.

Consider the Location of Your Desk

The location of your desk is so important when you have several lighting sources and windows in a room. One of the most common causes of eyestrain with computers is the glare that can occur when light from a window bounces onto the monitor. Trying out different positions with your desk can often help reduce the strain or even eliminate it entirely.

Purchase a Swing-Arm Task Lamp

While there are several good options for lighting your desk space, a swing-arm task lamp is always a smart option. The customization of how you can position this kind of lamp and the attractive appearance can make them one of the best choices for workspaces.

Set up LCD Lights on Your Monitor

Keeping your computer monitor well lit can be much easier when you use adhesive for LCD light strips. These lights can be attached to the back of the monitor so that you’ll have lighting surround your monitor, making eye strain a thing of the past.