Invest In LED Parking Lot Lighting for its Impressive Reliability

Replacing light bulbs throughout your workplace can be a simple task to accomplish. However, when you have problems with parking lot lights, you generally have to rely on professional assistance. It is best to invest in LED parking lot lighting because it is such a reliable type of lighting.

Better Directed Lighting

LED lights are ideal, especially for parking lots because they excel at directed lighting. It is important to maximize the safety of your parking lot for your employees and customers. High-quality lighting will ensure that these people have safe passage to their vehicle and while driving through the parking lot.

Reliable Once Installed

When you invest in LED lighting for your parking lot, you get top-notch reliability. Not having to worry about lighting problems can be a huge relief, especially when you consider the fact that fixing a problem in the parking lot requires a lot more work than most other lighting issues.

Less Replacing Bulbs

Since LED lights last so long, you can replace your current bulbs and forget about replacements for a long time. Not having to replace bulbs as frequently leads to reduced costs on professional services.

Reduced Costs

In addition to saving money by not having to get professional help as often, your light bulbs will also last longer, which balance out the higher cost of LED light bulbs in comparison to the alternatives.

When you are willing to spend more in the beginning, you will enjoy savings in the long run.

3 Great Reasons to use LEDs for Parking Garage Lighting

LED lighting has benefits for every industry and every application. For example, if you manage a parking garage. Check out these 3 great reasons you should make LEDs your parking garage lighting solution.

Energy Savings: If your parking garage has underground or otherwise dimly lit sections, at least some of your lights have to be left on 24 hours a day. Even if your parking structure is fully above ground, for safety and convenience, you’ll need to leave the lights on from dusk ‘til dawn at the least. That much up time can quickly burn out conventional bulbs and add up to major utility costs. LED lights, on the other hand, are up to 85% more energy efficient than conventional bulbs, translating to major energy savings.

Instant On: Especially as the seasons change, setting the right time for your lights to turn on can be a pain. LED lights, unlike conventional bulbs, though, don’t require any warm-up time. This means you won’t have to guess the average time of sunset for the next few months and then subtract another 15 minutes or so to account for the lights warming up. Best of all, if you weren’t able to get the right time, if it’s a rainy day, or if you have a sensor system, your LED lights will instantly turn on to the proper brightness level.

Long Life: Running lights 24/7 will quickly burn out conventional bulbs. LEDs, on the other hand, last up to 5 times as long as conventional bulbs. This means you’re spending 5 times less on replacement bulbs, and you won’t have dangerous dark spots in your parking garage.

No matter what kind of business you operate, switching to LED lighting can save you a small fortune in utility bills.


Parking Lot Lighting: Don’t Leave Customers In The Dark

If you operate or own a business, it’s important to protect the area, the building, and all of the employees. Installing parking lot lighting can protect your business from a safety and security standpoint. If you are running a business that does not have enough lighting, it may lead to receiving some unwanted attention from people who want to break in and steal your valuables.

Protect What Belongs To You

If your business property becomes one of those buildings that attracts the wrong kind, you may lose valuable computer equipment and other equipment your company uses to keep the daily operations running. Even if you have a security in place, there is no certainty that your building will not be broken into. It is recommended to have security systems installed, but it is also highly recommended to add adequate and quality parking lot lighting to lower the risk of unwanted criminal activities.

Protect Customers/Employees

Lighting in a parking lot will help ensure the safety of customers, pedestrians, and on goers. If people are walking in a dark parking lot, there may be some fear that someone can be hiding somewhere. With a well-lit parking lot, people will feel safer when they walk to or from their cars. You also want your employees to feel safe when they are walking to their cars after work. It can also be easier for people to have car accidents when they can’t see where they are going. Installing parking lot lighting can help prevent unnecessary accidents.

Can you imagine walking out of your building when it is dark, during those late nights? The lighting is weak, inadequate, and not all of the lights are working. What if you have forgotten where you parked? Would you feel safe walking through the parking lot, or would you wish someone would have walked with you?

You never know what kind of things can happen in a dim parking lot; that is why it is so important to have parking lot lighting. It can give people a sense of security. Everyone wants to feel safe, no matter where they are. Think of the people who make your business successful. You don’t want them to feel left out in the dark when they leave your building.